This site is for recording maintenance records of the Little Cayman Research Centre (Central Caribbean Marine Institute) & NOAA ICON/CREWS station for data management purposes. Please update this blog whenever new operations are performed in the field, so that NOAA/AOML can coordinate data management efforts with the Little Cayman ICON/CREWS field efforts.
Friday, September 09, 2011
Full Validation and Clean
On August 31st we completed a full validation and clean in preparation before our boats are out the water for 5 weeks. The station had low biofouling and instruments, chains, spectra lines etc were easy to clean. We set the Ground truth sensor just before 8am and started cleaning for a hour and 10 mins at 10:30. The Sensor was then removed from the system at 1:30pm. We are in prime Hurricane season now so hopefully everything will be ok.