This site is for recording maintenance records of the Little Cayman Research Centre (Central Caribbean Marine Institute) & NOAA ICON/CREWS station for data management purposes. Please update this blog whenever new operations are performed in the field, so that NOAA/AOML can coordinate data management efforts with the Little Cayman ICON/CREWS field efforts.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Full validation and Clean
Yesterday, Thursday 9th June, the ICON station received a full cleaning and validation. The Ground Truth Sensor was installed at 7:45am. Cleaning began at 9:35 by two divers. The instruments, pylon, chain/spectra lines, and attachment points were cleaned. All cables and instruments looked to be in good working order. The amount of bio-fouling was low to moderate and the cleaning lasted about 1 hour and 20 mins. At 2:30 the GT sensor was removed. There has been no change in the orientation of the station, but 2 anodes on the chains disintegrated so need replacing.