On Tuesday, joining the crew for the drilling operation was also Little Cayman Marine Officer Hank Blagen, and Carrie Manfrino and Jon Clamp of CCMI. All participants embarked with calm seas to the offshore site aboard the R/V Sea Keeper. A two- point mooring was used to place the stern of the vessel near to the intended base plate position so that the hydraulic drilling rig could be deployed. After drilling five holes for the 18” base plate pins, 8 holes were then drilled at the peripheral positions to install stainless steel T- pins. After filling the pinning holes with concrete, the base plate was leveled and pinned with stainless steel rods. The peripheral pins were also installed with a concrete fill. Seas remained calm and good conditions enabled rapid progress. Of particular note was the excellent cooperation and great working spirit to be found with our R/V Sea Keeper colleagues.
After allowing the concrete to set overnight, the site was revisited and bearing and depth measurements retaken. The successful installation site was marked with a small orange subsurface buoy.
Posted by Jules Craynock
Fantail briefing before start of operations.

Overhead view of hydraulic drilling rig aboard R/V Sea Keeper attended by Keith Neale.

NOAA Oceanographer Jules Craynock and C.I. Department of Environment Assistant Director - Research and Assessment, discussing the base plate mounting.

Deploying the drill from the R/V Sea Keeper.

Expert Driller, Delwin McLaughin boring 7/8” pilot holes for the base plate installation.